The Filling Station Can Designs

The Filling Station acquired in-house canning and labeling equipment and just needed somebody like me to take some designs to the finish line. To be clear, another designer started designing concepts for their cans and when that process stalled, I came onboard to add to was already developed.

They wanted to can some of their most popular brews as well as some one-offs. We started with Walla Walla IPA, Mango Kolsch and Kratochvil Pilsner, before moving on to Piper’s Porter and T-Bar IPA.

We also created a “Small Batch” label for their one-off beers or those that didn’t yet warrant a custom label. Simply leaving room on the white label to write the name with a Sharpie, or adding a sticker to identify these beers turned out to be a good solution.

It was important to the client and to me as well that all of the cans looked good together as a “family.” The client also had a very clean, minimal aesthetic in mind that I enjoyed very much.